Wood4Good was hatched in the Fall of 2019, when the Axelrod boys saw they had some extra firewood in their woodlot. Thinking of their community, they set out to deliver this spare firewood to deserving neighbors. Almost immediately, many others responded to their offer of free firewood, and they happily gave away what they had to spare. One recipient was particularly grateful, so much so that Eric’s eldest son Devin said: “I want to do Wood for Good every day.“
Little did he know that this innocent comment would launch Wood4Good, Limited. and that those extra few cords of wood would turn into a fledgling not-for-profit.
Without Devin’s enthusiasm and younger brother Logan’s buy-in, Wood4Good would have never taken off. From dad Eric’s perspective, this little venture was all about quality family time, and just as importantly, – a fun and easy way to give back to their community.
The importance of philanthropy was planted in Eric’s mind in the early 2000’s, shortly after Eric bought his first home in Vermont. Eric’s great uncle Harvey shared an important life lesson: Philanthropy is one of most important causes a man could dedicate himself to. Eric never forgot this. Fast-forward 20 years and Uncle Harvey’s wise words laid the groundwork for what would become Wood4Good, Ltd. an approved 501(c)(3).
One of the great rewards about giving back is that you get out much more than you put in and the act of giving and sharing enriches your life . Eric was looking for a higher purpose, and Wood4Good evolved quickly to support that commitment. The Axelrod’s are grateful to be able to give back to the community and state they so deeply value and cherish.